Mindfulness Meditation Training
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course (MBSR)
Tuesdays, 7-9pm - Online
Sept 12 - Nov 14
Retreat day: Sun, Nov 5, 1-6pm - online
Saturdays, 9.30-11.30am - Dorking, Surrey
Sept 9 - Nov 18
Retreat day: Sat, Nov 11, 11am-4pm
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction helps you respond to challenges more effectively. Mindfulness meditation and other skills you learn in the MBSR course can help you build resilience and increase your sense of wellbeing. To learn more about what mindfulness actually is, visit our What is Mindfulness page.
We teach the MBSR Jon Kabat-Zinn course, the gold-standard course that offers secular mindfulness training. You'll use guided meditations and other mindfulness exercises to learn how to bring awareness to all aspects of your life, not just how to relax. It's a lot more than simply how to stop thinking or how to be happier.
Week 1: Introduction to mindfulness meditation. Body Scan meditation, Mindful Eating.
Week 2: Learn how to stop overthinking and deal with obsessive thoughts. How to relax your mind.
Week 3: Mindful movement. How to stay calm by using movement.
Week 4: How you react to stress and anxiety. How to calm yourself down. How to reduce anxiety.
Week 5: Intrusive thoughts and overthinking. Breathing exercises for panic attacks.
Week 6: Communication and relationships. Overthinking in relationships. Coping with emotions such as fear, grief and sadness. Anger issues and how to control anger.
Retreat Day - a time of quiet reflection, guided meditations and extended mindfulness practice.
Week 7: Lifestyle choices - how you care for yourself, compulsive behaviours. Exploring habits - how to do more of the habits that are nurturing and cut down on those that aren't.
Week 8: How to find happiness by developing an attitude of gratitude. How to be happy with yourself or when alone. How to be happy in life.
MBSR Course cost
£195 - online group course
£225 - in-person group course
(22-32 hours of teaching)
Includes orientation session, 8 classes, retreat day, participant handbook, MP3s of guided meditations, optional extra online drop-in sessions, email or phone support between sessions.
We don't want anyone to miss one of our courses due to financial difficulties. We offer a limited number of places at a reduced rate for those on low incomes. Please get in touch to learn more.
Introduction to Mindfulness Course
Saturdays, June 10, 17, 24
Taylor's Place, London Rd, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 1GS *
* venue to be confirmed
This short course is ideal for anyone who would like to explore mindfulness but does not have the time to commit to a longer course. Sessions take place on Saturday mornings in Dorking, Surrey. If you're able to, you're welcome to attend the online Tuesday morning drop-in sessions, for the duration of the course, for no extra cost.
Week 1: Introduction to what mindfulness meditation actually is. Mindful Eating and Body Scan meditations.
Week 2: Techniques to help relieve stress, anxiety and depression, and also to help with insomnia. Mindful movement (simple Yoga-style movements).
Week 3: Strategies to deal with difficult thoughts and over-thinking. Also how to be kinder to ourselves.
Introduction Course cost
£60 - 3 in-person sessions
Includes 3 optional, online drop-ins
(6-9 hours of teaching)
Directions to our Surrey venues
Taylor Place, 1-22 London Rd, Dorking RH4 1GS
Old Pixham School, Dorking RH4 1PJ
Weekly Drop-in Sessions - online
The weekly meditation group drop-in sessions are designed for anyone new to mindfulness meditation, as well as those with more experience. (The monthly Thursday meditation group is for MBSR or MBCT/MSC graduates only).
Each session includes mindfulness exercises and meditation practices, and has a different focus; this could be exploring what it means to be present, or an attitude like self-compassion. We also focus on specific issues such as how to relax, how to treat panic attacks, how to control anger outbursts, deal with intrusive thoughts, manage sleep difficulties, or simply how to be happy. In sessions you can explore different ways of relating to your thoughts and emotions, and how to stay calm in the midst of difficulties.
If you do not have time to do the MBSR course, these short sessions are a good way to start learning how to do mindfulness practice. They also offer you time to yourself, to connect with others, or just to relax.
Tuesdays, 9.30am
£60 for two months, come when you like
Free trial session
No charge to anyone in a current MBSR course
Limited number of free places, conditions apply
Free Mindfulness Tasters
A taster session can give you a chance to find out what mindfulness actually is and see how it might be of benefit to you. In the taster you'll practise a simple mindful meditation and find out about the 8-week MBSR Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course and also the 3-week Introduction course in Dorking, Surrey. Online tasters also let you see what a Zoom meditation class is like.
If you can't make a taster, you can come to a meditation practice group session for beginners, (Tuesdays, 9.30am).
Contact us to reserve a space as numbers are limited.
Catherine, preparing for a lesson
One-to-one or Private Group sessions
For more personal sessions, the one-to-one or small group experiences may be for you. We're happy to tailor mindfulness training for your needs. Small group sessions are available online, and in-person around Reigate, Redhill and Dorking, Surrey, or further afield.
We offer the 8-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course for individuals or a small private group. The dates can be arranged at a time to suit you, and are usually weekly, one-hour sessions for an online course, and 75 minute classes for an in-person course.
Online, one person - £650
Online, two people - £750
In-person, one person - £700
In-person, two people - £850
The in-person costs are for classes in Brockham, near Dorking. Please contact us to discuss costs for a private group of more than two people, or if you would like sessions in your own home.
One-to-one coaching can be helpful if you're struggling with a major issue, such as bereavement or OCD intrusive thoughts. Mindfulness training helps you deal with unwanted thoughts and overthinking. Developing your ability to be kind and caring to yourself, as well as to others, is at the heart of our approach to mindfulness training.
Catherine has delivered one-to-one coaching to children, teenagers and adults for many years. These can be taken on a session-by-session basis, in Brockham or online through Zoom, and usually on a Monday or Friday afternoon. Sessions cost £65 per hour for online, and from £70 for in-person.
Benefits of meditation
Our MBSR stress reduction course can help you with:
- Anxious feelings, stress and depression
- Sleep problems
- Intrusive and obsessive thoughts (OCD)
- Anger issues
- Physical pain and illness
- Compulsive behaviours such as binge eating.
Through mindfulness training, you develop skills to:
- Calm anxiety
- Stop overthinking
- Treat panic attacks
- Be happier and more relaxed
- Increase confidence and self-compassion.

Hear from Catherine - why meditate?
"If you want to conquer the anxiety of life,
live in the moment,
live in the breath."
"I am learning to label my thoughts, to relax, to be objective. I feel the course is excellent and I really look forward to the sessions.” Jane, Art teacher
"I am learning to manage difficult situations in a better way by meditation practice. Course literature is excellent." Christine
Zoom Meditation and Mindfulness Classes
Mindfulness training is very suitable for online learning via Zoom classes and Catherine is trained to teach MBSR online. No technical expertise is necessary and we're happy to help if you're new to Zoom. There's no need to download anything - you simply get emailed a link before each class. You can also connect with your phone.